Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I was listening to the radio the other morning and our station always has a question of the day. That day's was, "What was the biggest change in your life during the past decade?"

I realized I had no idea what to pick. I fell in love, got married, graduated from culinary school at 47 years old, changed from being a web designer to a caterer and cake decorator, had 3 major surgeries (including a knee replacement and a redo a month later), bought a townhouse with no mortgage, and now have my elderly father living with us. And that is just the outward stuff! I also went through a metamorphisis of attitude, emotion and faith.

So, I decided to start the new decade by blogging my life and how things can snowball so easily. The first item is our kitchen. We got a fair sum of money for Christmas and decided that we would use some of it for a new dishwasher and some new taps to replace the ones we have that are old and almost falling through the rotted counter top around them. The next several posts are going to document the fun and hard work, and snowball of other things that are ending up getting done in the process.

I will next post some pictures and document the snowballs that have been coming our way since December 25th!

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